Start Smart
Tips to Take Charge of Your Child’s Education
Concerned with the direction of public education? You want the best for your children but, how best to navigate all the issues & problems (real and imagined) that come with taking responsibility for your children’s education.
Don’t waste your valuable time re-inventing the homeschool “wheel”.
Learn from homeschooling pioneers who will share timesaving & effective tips that will help you and your family.
Featured Speakers Replay
Shane Richardson
Shane’s parents decided to do something that it seemed no one had ever heard of, HOME SCHOOL! That was the start of the adventure that involved being a part of a movement that helped write the laws, helped hide kids when the state threatened to take them, and learned how to enjoy learning, instead of just passing a test.
His passion is helping others, especially men, see and learn what it means to live out the Gospel in daily life.
Involved with Homeschooling all his life
Take Charge of Education
How to Find the Path God has Ordained
Kim Quon
Kim and her husband, Don, have lived in the St Louis area for over 25 years, homeschooled both of their children from preschool to high school, and are now enjoying watching them pursue their passions after graduating college.
Helping keep members informed of legislative alerts from Jefferson City that could affect homeschooling freedoms, offer Homeschool 101 seminars for new homeschoolers or those in the trenches who need a refresher on MO law
How To Comply With Missouri Statutes
Introduction to Support Groups
Highlights of Homeschool Freedoms
Christy Richardson
Christy grew up in the mountains of East Tennessee. While the divorce of her parents when she was 12, was devastating, that cemented in her a passion for having a Godly home, even if she didn’t know exactly what that looked like.
Before she was saved, Christy looked in a lot of wrong places for what she knew was missing, and then, when she was 25, over a draft beer at Applebees, Christ got a hold of her, and she hasn’t been the same.
How God Provides
Big Picture for a Godly Home
Roles & Goals of a Homeschool Mom
Bonus! Grad Talks
Mr. Bieber was homeschooled and has graduated and is now working on his Bachelors degree in cybersecurity.
He & Shane Richardson handle questions and speak on question that are frequently asked about life after homeschooling.
In this segment some questions were asked about college placement and how the credits apply toward homeschool “core’ requirements. Homeschool groups and how to find them on the internet.
Homeschool Grad
College placement & Credits
Getting Started is as Easy as 123!
Research & Mark Your Calendar
Mark your calendar for our Homeschool 101 event taking place January 28, 2023. Tell your friends and get your questions ready.
Come See the Event (Bring a Friend)
It will be held at the Assembly of God Church at 301 Hodges in Alton, MO. The event will begin at 9:00 AM. Light lunch will be provided and a live Q&A with the speakers while we eat. The event will end at 1:00 PM with a drawing for a $100 credit to use at Home Science Tools.
Check Back Here for More Info
We’ll be posting replay videos of the speaker’s presentations at the event so you can review what you learned. Links to recommended reading and other helpful homeschool information with a helpful Q&A section from the event.
What is this About?
The One Thing
If there is one thing we want the attendees to consider and remember- it would be this- Parents have a duty to God our creator and all the responsibility for the training of their children. The rest is just noise.
Every moment of our lives is a gift from above. Time is a very valuable commodity. As the saying goes, “Time is money”. Supply and demand economics kicks in and still we don’t consider the value of our time. It’s short and the demands upon it are without limits. Solomon said, “eternity is placed in our hearts” and only an eternal vision will fill that space.
Children are made to live forever in Christ. If we do our job well, there’s a good chance we’ll see them and their children and their children on and on until Jesus comes. What will they rise up and say about us in eternity?
I hope that, before God, on that day, they will say I walked the path that God directed and because of God’s work through me while I live on this earth, they were blessed through countless generations. The alternative is too painful to think about.
Our Mission
Encourage you to be the parents to your children that God created & ordained you to be! The Humanists have been running the public schools for over a hundred years now and anyone with eyes can see the “fruit” of their system. We hope you’ll get insights to help you govern yourself & your family.
Our Purpose
We want to introduce you to new ideas or, at least, different ways to look at old problems with fresh eyes. We hope you find a few ideas that you may find useful and worthy of implementation in your own family. We want to help you see the issues facing you & our country with spiritual eyes.
The Agenda
Experts In Every Subject
We are very thankful to our presenters who have taken time out of their busy schedules to spend some valuable time with us. We have been asking God to bless them and every one who comes to listen and fellowship.
Start Smart: Crucial Advice for New Homeschoolers
Tips To Take Charge of Your Children's Education
Homeschool Mom's (& Dads) Roles & Goals
Highlights of Missouri Homeschool Laws
Percentage of children raised by Christian parents who attend a Bible believing church who have rejected the tenants of Biblical Theism.
Attended Public School
Attended Bible Based Christian School or Homeschooled
Smithwick’s Nehemiah Institute annually administers the PEERS test among high school students. It consists of a series of statements carefully structured to identify a person’s worldview in five categories: Politics, Economics, Education, Religion, and Social Issues (PEERS). Each statement is framed to either agree or disagree with a biblical principle. Students’ scores will place their worldview in four categories: Biblical Theism, Moderate Christian, Secular Humanism, or Socialism. In 2015, the test showed that 90 percent of students from Christian homes attending public schools score in a range that indicates that their views are firmly grounded in basic tenets of secularism.
Featured Speakers
Shane Richardson
Shane’s parents decided to do something that it seemed no one had ever heard of, HOME SCHOOL! That was the start of the adventure that involved being a part of a movement that helped write the laws, helped hide kids when the state threatened to take them, and learned how to enjoy learning, instead of just passing a test.
His passion is helping others, especially men, see and learn what it means to live out the Gospel in daily life.
Involved with Homeschooling all his life
Take Charge of Education
How to Find the Path God has Ordained
Kim Quon
Kim and her husband, Don, have lived in the St Louis area for over 25 years, homeschooled both of their children from preschool to high school, and are now enjoying watching them pursue their passions after graduating college.
Helping keep members informed of legislative alerts from Jefferson City that could affect homeschooling freedoms, offer Homeschool 101 seminars for new homeschoolers or those in the trenches who need a refresher on MO law
How To Comply With Missouri Statutes
Introduction to Support Groups
Highlights of Homeschool Freedoms
Christy Richardson
Christy grew up in the mountains of East Tennessee. While the divorce of her parents when she was 12, was devastating, that cemented in her a passion for having a Godly home, even if she didn’t know exactly what that looked like.
Before she was saved, Christy looked in a lot of wrong places for what she knew was missing, and then, when she was 25, over a draft beer at Applebees, Christ got a hold of her, and she hasn’t been the same.
How God Provides
Big Picture for a Godly Home
Roles & Goals of a Homeschool Mom
News & Resources
After the event, please remember to check back here for links to recommended homeschool reading, videos of the event and highlights of each speakers presentation, and articles with helpful links to homeschool issues that concern parents in Missouri today.
Helpful Homeschool Books
Here’s the link to a pdf file with links to Amazon (no affiliate links) so you can learn more about homeschooling from assorted experts.
Let’s Learn Together!
Let’s live our lives honestly in front of our kids. Let’s cry out to God in every situation. Let’s speak of the answers we receive and praise the Almighty God of heaven no matter what because he is worthy of our acclaim and worship. Let’s do it for and with our kids. That’s homeschool.